Ones and Zeros.

 2006- A fifth album by Dylan Tauber

With Son of Waves Studios:

This album is now available on iTunes, and all other streaming platforms.

Download all 26 tracks on iTunes..

Read the Ones and Zeros theory by Dylan Tauber, 2000.

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Listen to the entire album streamed on the Soundcloud widget above.

You can download the entire album for free below:

Track list:

7-12 1:48
7-18 1:50
7-19 2- world beat 2:57
7-19 3 2:00
7-19-nord lead 1:36
7-21 nord and xp 2:30
7-25 3:43
7-25 2 2:44
7-28 1:52
8-10 1:43
8-10 2 1:48
9-19 3 2:41
9-19 4 1:20
10-19 1:44
10-19 2 1:58
11-10 3:39
11-10 2 1:38
12-6 2:44
12-14 2:08
12-14 2

12-14 3
2-7 1:42
3-28 2 1:22
3-28 1:41
3-15 2:44
3-27 0:58

High Resolution Cover Image

This page was last modified Friday, 22-Sep-2023 06:57:34 EDT

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